Minus The Nemesis
A Collaboration of Some of the Finest Thought on Today's World


Thursday, June 29, 2006
The dry wit of Mr. Hutton turned against the soccer hooligan.

And you may know, Minus and I happen to know a thing or two about hooliganry. Check out Green Street Hooligans. I don't want to spoil anything, but I'm the guy in scene 4 holding a broken beer bottle. Minus is the guy in scene 5 with a broken beer bottle protruding from his jugular. I'll let you watch the movie for the particulars.


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Sunday, June 25, 2006
Hands down to Saddam Hussein, who according to Zinga over at Word, has fasted again! This time by skipping lunch.

In totally related news, Saddam is claiming that the US will be begging for his help. Listen here dickhead, we already gave you Ramsey Clark what else can you possibly want?!


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Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Cynthia McKinney - Not indicted of physically assaulting an officer of the Capitol Police (McKenna). Fueled by the "race" card. Weak, but not entirely surprising.

Patrick J. Kennedy - Probation for driving under the influence of prescription drugs. Not booked by Capitol Police, but instead driven to his home by the police (2+2 = special treatment because of daddy's status). However crooked, I have to give the guy props for taking his lumps and accepting responsibility for his actions.

Edward M. Kennedy - CHAPPAQUIDDICK, enough said. Ok, maybe not: there was in fact abuse of alcohol involved. Plead guilty to leaving the scene of an accident. Still a Senator. Did some military time (2-years) but was a REMF.

John F. Kennedy - Seems to be a bit of controversy surrounding the possible ramming of PT 109 by the Amigiri in 1943. Kind of strange though how a lighter, smaller, faster and more maneuverable craft such as PT 109 managed to get rammed by a 378-foot, much slower destroyer. Elevated to congressional proportions and then on to CINC status. Must say that he seemed like a good president though (I am too young to have felt the effects of his presidency) as well as actually manning-up and taking his lumps in WWII.

Marion Barry - Mayor of DC caught smoking crack on camera. Somehow manages to not only become mayor again, but is elected to the Council of DC. Serving probation for misdemeanor of failing to pay local and federal taxes as well as receiving drug counseling (no, not for the crack) for popping hot for both weed and coke in 2005.

After more and more research, there are literally hundreds (if not thousands) of political scandals and dirty dealings on either side of the party lines. Ladies and gentlemen, your government. Whee!


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Monday, June 19, 2006

More Queen Nut sightings. This time supporting soldiers who have wittingly gone AWOL to Canada. No real surprise that Cindy would throw her support into something like this. What to do when your original cause has faltered? Find a new one. Cause-Head.

Take one Darrell Anderson formerly of Lexington, Kentucky for example: this kid took his lumps in Iraq receiving a Purple Heart for his actions (roadside bomb attack). For that I applaud his service. I frown upon him not finishing what he started.
"When I was in Iraq, we were killing innocent people for oil. It was obvious they didn't want us there,"
So that explains why gas prices are so high eh? Zarqawi, bin Laden, Hussein and their related ilk are innocent people to you? You sir, are an idiot for thinking such. The entire "war for oil" crap is a tired argument but obviously still a springboard for dummies. Darrell seems to make it sound as if Iraqi citizens stood guard at oil wells and were killed for them all the while soldiers were filling their canteen cups full of crude; weak. I hope that Canada does deport that kid. I guess it's a misconception that Canada is a refuge then, eh? You mean they have laws too? According to Darrell's logic, in that "It was obvious they didn't want us there", that Canada doesn't either. You don't want America, Canada doesn't want you...what's left? I know! I hear the Queen Nut has South American connections, perhaps you can go to Venezuela and hook up with Chavez?! Being that I can't seem to close the deal on selling you the Ambassador Bridge, how about we make a move to solidify the Orinoco Bridge?
In a related sob-story Chris Magaoay from Hawaii relates similar gripes:
"They say we're traitors, we're deserters," said former Marine Chris Magaoay, 20, of the Hawaiian island of Maui. "No, I'm a Marine and I stand up for what I believe in, and I believe the Constitution of the United States of America is being pushed aside as a scrap piece of paper."
Deserter? Yes. Traitor? Sketchy. You are no longer a Marine either there slick. You gave that up the second you wittingly went AWOL and turned your back on the Corps. Weak excuse for not wanting to finish what you started. The article goes on to quote deserters from the Vietnam conflict as well. If you take the time to read the rants and whatnot, it seems as if those quoted take advantage of their freedoms in that they cut and run when things aren't going their respective ways. I cannot believe that people still buy into her jive. Just to make matters worse, among the deserters is Cindy Sheehan showing solidarity for something she knows nothing about. What a surprise...zzzzzzzzzzzz.


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Funny Story.

In the article it is described that some animal rights protestors effectively shut down the Fangji Cat Meatball restaurant citing that "dogs and cats are friends of human beings". Hell yes they are! How do you think it was so easy to coax them into the saucepot?

The owner of the restaurant claims that he cannot go on as before and will stop selling cat meat. Well, score I guess. No more tabby-chops with calico salsa for you! I don't eat cats or dogs but respect that it is in fact part of other's cultures. I think that a campaign against eating humans would be more powerful. Why ignore the rats that people also have as pets in China but get eaten just as much? Why no grief over bugs that are eaten in some cultures including China? These protestors remind me of the Cause-Heads from PCU. Whatever.


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Something you don't see everyday. It is still not going to make me a Radiohead fan.


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I was watching a TV commercial (which oddly enough had a small bit of the actual program I wanted to watch interlaced among the advertising crapfest) and saw one in particular that caught my eye. It was in regards to vacuums; something I don't think about all that often. I saw a specific model vacuum that claims stats like "100,000 times the force of gravity". Now, I am no physics major, but the Space Shuttle only kicks down 3Gs on takeoff. 100,000Gs is a big number.

With that in mind it would seem as if this particular vacuum may have a hidden agenda; one for which it was specifically designed: creating gravity wells. Shortly after you purchase said vacuum it may or may not be out of the ordinary to come home to not only a clean house, but an empty one. In the process of "cleaning" house it may or may not be the case that all of your goods are sucked up into the black hole created by 100,000Gs. Have you just purchased one of these vacuums? Are things beginning to disappear from your house and or surrounding property? I think that a dead give away may be how you are inexplicably drawn to where your love seat used to be. Yeah, that may or may not be the singularity created by the vacuum. I am not saying anything, I am just saying.

I can see how this vacuum may be popular within the scientific laboratory environment. Why spend millions developing a particle accelerator when you could modify this vacuum for a scant fraction of the price? To hopefully shed some light on these important questions, I have dispatched the following email to the experts:
To whom it may concern:

While I have a very limited knowledge of the physical sciences (forgive me), I have a couple of questions that may or may not seem out of the ordinary but that I feel should be fielded to the professionals nonetheless.

First, when I came across a commercial for the vacuum that creates suction "100,000 times the force of gravity" I felt that this begs the question: will this vacuum create a black hole in my home? From what I understand the Space Shuttle only feels 3Gs during takeoff and that's a lot of mass to move at such speeds. Am I or my family in any danger of creating singularities in my home ( i.e. will furniture begin to "disappear", will I be inexplicably drawn to certain areas of my home where I vacuumed, etc.)?

Second (and based on the first assumptions), is it safe to call this device not a vacuum, but a particle accelerator? Does the scientific community have a vested interest in this vacuum for it's gravitational properties?

Third, given the above questions, why is it necessary to accelerate pet dander and whatnot to such speeds? Suppose that a bit of dander and say a scrap of macaroni that I errantly dropped on the floor collide; am I in any danger? Will the high-speed collision result in the emission of light ( i.e. should I wear protective eyewear and or sunglasses while using this product)?

Fourth, are there any plans in the works to attach some sort of seating device as well as a control panel so that I may effectively manipulate "where I end up" in the spacetime continuum?

Thank you in advance for answering my distant, odd and (in my opinion) important questions!


I eagerly await the answers, so stay tuned!


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Saturday, June 17, 2006
Holy crap, I can't believe this thing is still here. Word to Minus for keeping it going while I've been busy making billions in the international currency market.

So...the reason I stopped is to say...

please god, please god, please god please god, please let the US advance.



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This title of course, being in reference to the Chicks with Dix-ie. I am pleased to announce that sales have gone over like a turd in a punch bowl and the outlook is grim (for the whiny country group anyway). With many, many venues that previously have been selling around 15,000 seats to see these twits, they have sold maybe 6,000 at best at others. I say some, because not enough interest has been generated for others and the trio has had to cancel many, many shows. I guess that hating America and country music really doesn't work so well. Wankers.


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Tuesday, June 13, 2006
For all that don't know it yet, I have moved. Not by will, mind you. I was forced to move because some stupid woman was late for work, lost control of her car (due to obvious speeding) and in the process parked 75% of her mini-van in what was my bedroom. My family and I are in the process of putting our lives back together a piece at a time and will be very busy in the coming days.

Don't give up hope, this blog will rise again; better and stronger than before. Thank you reader(s) for your patience and loyalty.


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Friday, June 02, 2006
Are you kidding me? I read in a newspaper this morning that only 37% of American kids know where either Saudi Arabia or Iraq is. It is due to the likes of Pamela Rogers, Janet Klatt, Debra Beasley LaFave, the staff of Miskine High School and Sherry Brians (among others) that many children today know where Hookupsville, Ginastan and Cockandballsastan are but not where pertinent countries are. Ridiculous.

Public schools need a serious "going over" as it were. It is a shame that less than a mile from my house a teacher of high school students is accused and subsequently convicted of selling dope to kids is allowed to happen. There is a certain amount of logic to be said for the age-old vetting process. If you don't know what it means; find out. Essentially my gripe is with children screwing up their lives due to not shoddy parenting (as I know cases where parenting has been exhausted) but due to so called "responsible" members of society taking advantage of the non-witting nature of some youthful minds.

In certain instances, one side of the equation has exhausted parental skills and one has utterly failed to make use of them. Meanwhile the youth of today is suffering the knowlege passed by viable professors due to being literally pussy whipped. Sad. Read this and read it again. I am sick of the facts.


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