Minus The Nemesis
A Collaboration of Some of the Finest Thought on Today's World


Wednesday, May 25, 2005
The events surrounding the triple homicide and two missing children in northern Idaho are suspect.

From what has been read thus far, select family members who are now deceased have had previous scrapes with the law due to association with 'petty' crimes and drug activity. To begin with, this is plainly not an environment conducive to productive child growth. What sort of nurturing and mentorship could possibly come out of a childhood like that?

There are two children missing, with police having interviewed one man who was at the home the night prior to the murders as well as the disappearances. It is hoped by many (including myself) that the children are alive. What is odd is that the kids' real father has been seen on national television making this statement: "Please, please release my children safely, they had nothing to do with any of this."

Any of what there sir? It could be that a drug deal (or associated 'petty' crime) has or had gone awry at one point in the sketchy family past, and now it is catching up to dear old dad in spades. Maybe just a scumbag meant to prey on an innocent family? What a shame that the children have to suffer the ordeal of not only watching three family members get bound and then bludgeoned to death, but also being abducted for someone else's nefarious actions.

Keep an eye on this one and hope the kids are alright, and that the associated guilty scumbag(s) are brought to justice.


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