Tuesday, May 31, 2005
More of our freedoms are on the chopping block today with another push towards government regulation of speech.Here we go again with this loophole idea:
Advocates for rules say they are necessary to prevent groups such as corporations and labor unions from exploiting loopholes.
What "loophole?" None other than that pesky First Admendment John McCain and co. tried to kill a few years ago.
What is a labor union? I think a reasonable, if vague, definition would be a collection of individuals united in some sort of common goal. Do those individuals sacrifice their civil librities for participating in such a group? Can they no longer speak without government approval?
How about that dreaded entity the "corporation?" Individuals trying to-- ghasp-- make money. Well, its obvious those individuals shouldn't be allowed to comment on politics without heavy government regulation.
The draft FEC rules reportedly say that:
These rules would not affect citizens who don't take money from political action committees or parties.
Bullshit. That promise is a deception of Orwellian proportions.
Lets say, very hypothetically, that this blog accepts a blogad from, the national Libertarian party website. And, we get paid .0000015 cents per click. Are we, Minus and Nemesis, no longer allowed unabridged free speech? Must we now apply for waivers and special interest group status to avoid violation of federal election laws? Is our content now fair game for Government censors?
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press
The FEC and Congress need to stop trying to tell me what the Constitution doesn't say.
I know that this law is reminiscent of Woody Allen's tyrant in Bananas who outlaws underwear. Even if the law is widely unenforceable-- which it surely would be-- there is still a real danger in it. Even if they don't always abide by their better judgement, both Conservatives and Liberals argue that unenforceable laws, among other things, engender a disrepect for all laws and make heros out of law breakers. That, and I wanted to reference Woody Allen because I know Minus just loves him so much.