Monday, June 13, 2005
Michael Jackson is not guilty. While I'm sure I'm going to be in the minority on this, especially among the people I speak with, I not only trust the verdict, but think it was the right decision. Michael Jackson is, without a doubt, the strangest, sorriest, creature we have in our pop culture. For the past ten years, every story about him concerned itself with demonstrating how big of a weirdo freak he is. Dangling his kids off balconies, having overnights with pre-teen boys, giving them a mysterious Jesus Juice to drink, and paying settlements to family's to prevent child molestation charges to surface-- Jackson is living proof that the axiom "There is no such thing as bad press" is not, at all, a universal truth. However, its important to remember that while being labeled a weirdo freak does not make you guilty of anything, what it does make you is more prone to accusations of wrong doing.
I am glad that Jackson had his day in court and that these accusations were brought to judicial scrutiny. I am glad that we live in a country where a justice system, for all of its faults, refuses to accept popular opinion while holding a man's life in its hands. Now Michael Jackson can get on with, and hopefully find some bit of sanity, in his shattered, abnormal, creepy ass life.