Minus The Nemesis
A Collaboration of Some of the Finest Thought on Today's World


Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Yet again the Supreme Court has managed to outdo itself. With Kelo v. City of New London, the Supreme Court reaffirmed the age old constitutional right of the government to seize and redistribute your property as it sees fit. That is, as long as you're reading the Constitution of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic.

First, I don't like Eminent Domain. Ever. That, however, is a debate that can be saved for later. The issue at hand here is the shocking, and now legal, overuse of the clause. To invoke Eminent Domain, the government is required to show that the property seized is to be used for public use. This typically meant something like an interstate, a bridge, or a school. After Kelo, however, the definition of public use includes increased tax revenue for the state. So, if Wal-Mart wants to put a store right on top of where your house happens to be, and they convince the state that hey, with our new store we'll bring in jobs and taxes thereby helping the greater good, than guess what-- your house is gonna go as quickly as a line of coke in a Camero.

Property rights have, again, been weakened. The government can now, through Eminent Domain, seize your property virtually at will. Add to this the recent ruling of Gonzales v. Raich, which permits the federal government to use the commerce clause to regulate every substance in the universe, and we are living in a country whose laws-- many of which by judicial fiat-- allow the government to control every aspect of your life.

Freedom in America is rapidly becoming a commodity on loan from the government.

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