Minus The Nemesis
A Collaboration of Some of the Finest Thought on Today's World


Sunday, August 21, 2005
After a decent meal of medium-rare steak, red-skinned potatoes, a spot of tortilla soup, caesar salad and a scotch and water to wash it all down, I was feeling pretty good. The particular restaurant had only been open for two weeks and is still working out the bugs; despite that, it was a decent place.

At any rate, now that I had the taste for scotch, once I got home I reached into the Old Kennedy Cabinet for a bottle of Johnny Walker Black. Hoping for a nightcap, all I was to find was my bottle in a near state of depletion; only then remembering that when you invite A Man in the Arena to your home, he takes to whisky quicker than Lewinsky to cigars.

Next time you roll by the apart, er, mansion you best bring a decent bottle A Man in the Arena! Not Sheep Dip or the Military Grade Scotch (you know the one with K-Pot and Boots on the label). No, you better bring a good Auchentoshan, Laphroaig, Lagavulin or Glenmorangie.

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