Minus The Nemesis
A Collaboration of Some of the Finest Thought on Today's World


Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Gerhard Schroeder, the now former German Chancellor was ousted by his conservative arch-rival Angela Merkel. Hopefully, Germany will be able to profit from this ousting of the Chancellor and thrive on the world stage. Already in progress is a deal with Russia that will allow Siberian gas to flow directly to Germany, courtesy of Schroeder's ties to Russia.


It's also been reported that Vladimir Putin has offered Gerhard Schroeder a job in the Russian energy giant; Gazprom. Putin and Schroeder have been buddies for a while; stemming all the way back to when Putin was a KGB officer operating in East Berlin. Suspect. Schroeder lives rather large as it is, and in order to keep up with his Kristal taste he may have to live with a Heffeweizen budget for a bit. Germany's retarded brother to the west's (that would be France) president has offered condolences, but no job. Perhaps Schroeder will make the best of his new found position (or lack thereof) and hopefully not spend his days with Putin in a hollowed-out volcano lair making plans to rule the world.


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