Sunday, November 06, 2005
Perhaps the most famous being C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien. As for the addition, I would place one J.K. Rowling. As far as drawing the parallels of the first two authors with the Holy Scripture, Nemesis can do that better than I. But, since he doesn't bother to stop by his half of the blog, I will let it slide. To say that the Harry Potter novels are anti-Christian places two very distinct possibilities about you: first, you have never read the novels and second, you are ignorant to lay a claim upon the books without reading them.With the writing of Lewis' famous Chronicles of Narnia there is obvious reference to Christian theological ideas. Perhaps not the original intent of the author, he described the allegory simply as "suppositional". By his own admittance, Lewis didn't start out writing the books as a way to have Christian theological concepts accessible to children; "that element pushed itself in of its own accord."
J.R.R. Tolkien may be famous on a certain level or another for converting C.S. Lewis to Christianity. He is surely most famous for the writing of the Lord of the Rings books. Also an allegorical set of tales, these are just as criticized as the Chronicles of Narnia for being not of a Christian base, but one of Paganism. Some will say that in the writings, you have three representations of Christ, but the text itself doesn't support it. I would say that it does.
J.K. Rowling is indeed a Catholic woman but perhaps has not made it so overtly known. It is with little understanding that I find people praising the first two authors and ridiculing the third. I think that the proponents of this thought process are a bit off in their assessment. Sure, all three books involve magic, spells, witches, warlocks and such, but they also represent the fundamentals: love, evil, self-sacrifice and unity among others.
What better way to bring Christianity to the youth than with the use of allegory? If the overtones of Christianity are ignored by the reader they can still be simply enjoyed if for no other reason than they are expertly written. If you are in doubt, read Lord of the Rings by Tolkien, The Screwtape Letters and the Chronicles of Narnia by Lewis and of course, the Harry Potter novels. You won't be disappointed.