Minus The Nemesis
A Collaboration of Some of the Finest Thought on Today's World


Sunday, March 19, 2006
There is little support for the unorganized hordes of protesters that attend anti-war rallies to promote their respective causes. It is odd that at an "anti-war" rally you will find that the majority of the "activists" don't really know why they are there. Take protestor Martha Conrad of Chicago, Illinois for example. During a recent protest she was quoted as saying "I'm against this war, I'm against the torture," which is all fine and dandy until we get to the latter portion of the quote: "We're doing this for the people of Iraq."

I sincerely doubt that the "people of Iraq" knows that her seemingly retarded-ass exists (I didn't know she existed and I live in the same country). No, no, I am sure the "people of Iraq" appreciate your efforts dummy. I am pretty sure that a well placed box of food or pallet of water would get more notice of the "people of Iraq" than some random asshole making claims in the name of an entire nation, but hey, whatever floats your boat lady. I can tell you have never been to the Middle East but may have seen it on TV before. Real classy.

It is thanks to persons like the Conrad's, Rosenleaf's and Sheehan's that the anti-war "movement" is becoming a joke. Due to their own lunacy and failure to organize a bake sale to support either the troops or the "people of Iraq" much less a rally that means anything more than showing the world how crazy you are, their words and actions are tired and should be put to bed. They have become back-page news due to their own antics...pretty funny really. Sitting on the shoulders of the hippies of days gone by will plainly get you nowhere quickly. Head for the ditches and pitch your tents.

Thanks to all the dummies out there who make that possible, you know who you are: you are the "proud socialist" from Chicago who works for the government of California, you are the aged old hag who sends out veiled threats on the internet from her classroom in a small town in Montana, you are the worst mother anyone could have for dragging your kids name through the mud in the name of publicity, you are the "solider" who smokes dope and pops pills whilst in the military, you are the supporters of the above and more than anything, you are fair-weather Americans. Here's to you dummies!


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