Monday, April 17, 2006
I had no idea I would get such resistance to my opinion of John McCain. As such, I am going to attempt to step away from my normal style of snarling out a vitriolic juvenile screed, and instead address the man as calmly and lucidly as I know how.I very much disagree with Sen. McCain on a number of issues-- issues that are of paramount political significance to me. I will address these issues in a moment. More than that, however, McCain has embraced a reputation as a "maverick," and encourages the philosophy that compromise and moderation will, and should, rule the day. Nothing, in my estimation, could be more wrongheaded, or even dangerous.
First, I'd like to reprint, in its entirety, the letter of Censure the Arizona GOP passed against John McCain:
WHEREAS, Senator John McCain is presently co-sponsoring, together with his Democrat soul-mate, Senator Teddy Kennedy, a Bill to Reform the Immigration Policy of the United States promoting amnesty for illegal aliens and for their U.S. employers, thus ignoring the opinions of his constituents expressed in numerous polls and personal pleas; andThe issues. I accept that there are certain positions with which I agree with McCain-- namely the Iraq War (although we support the war for different reasons) and defense spending. I hope you will forgive my focusing on what I find to be our political differences-- as they seem to be the issue. Further, I am not going to explain my full opinion on these issues-- I think they are largely understood. Instead, I will try to focus on McCain's opinions-- and why I feel they are particularly odious.
WHEREAS, Senator McCain deserted the ranks of the Republican Party and the Leadership of the U.S. Senate on the issue of limiting the filibuster of judicial nominations, some of which have been on-hold for several years, thus stalling the President's agenda for judicial reform; and
WHEREAS, Senator McCain led the Democrat Party in "reforming" campaign finance, providing for a clear usurpation of 1st Amendment free speech rights during the last 60 days of an election campaign, and leading to an orgy of spending in the 2004 elections;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Arizona Republican Assembly (ARA) officially and publicly censures Senator John McCain for dereliction of his duties and responsibilities as a representative of the citizens of Arizona; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the ARA strongly urges State Republican Party Chairman, Matt Salmon, the Arizona State Republican Party and its County and Legislative District affiliates to officially and publicly express their displeasure with Senator McCain by means of a public censure; and
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that copies of this Resolution be sent to the Chairman of the State Republican Party, to all Republican County and Legislative District Chairman and be issued as a Press Release to the media.
Freedom of speech. This issue is paramount. McCain is the most vocal proponent of "Campaign Finance Reform" and famously passed, along with Sen. Feingold (D-WI) a bill that had sweeping ramifications. Namely, it severely limited the amount of money that could be legally given to a political party as well as restricting "issue ads" that voice controversial opinions. The First Amendment of the Bill of Rights states that:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.No law abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press. McCain took an oath to uphold the constitution of the US, and then proceeded to pass a law in direct contravention with it. This is an issue that could very well affect me personally. If the government can prevent me from voicing my opinion over the airwaves, what is to stop them from restricing my opinion on the internet? When addressing the internet as a medium to express political thought, McCain has implied that it is a loophole that his bill has yet to close. That loophole, sir, is the first amendment. On this issue alone I would be McCain's enemy forever. But, there are more.
Illegal Immigration. Those who enter this nation illegally are criminals. How does this escape anyone's attention? The result of illegal immigration is that it forces labor prices down, and puts unskilled American workers on unemployment lines. Illegal immigration also has the affect of creating a criminal underclass-- complete with its own culture, language, and habits-- that is unhealthy for any society. McCain does not share this opinion with me. McCain argues that unchecked immigration isn't stealing jobs from Americans, heck, according to McCain, a blue collar worker wouldn't pick lettuce for 50 dollars an hour. That came as quite a surprise to the blue collar workers who quickly booed him off stage. McCain's views on immigration are wrongheaded, dangerous, and distinctly unconservative.
Tobacco Fines. The fifth amendment of the Bill of Rights reads:
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.This amendment guarantees due process-- that the government can't strip its citizens of property without proper judical process. Again, McCain on a personal crusade discarded that dusty old text, and instead used legislation to directly fine tobacco companies billions of dollars. For what? For making and selling a legal product that millions of citizens choose to enjoy. I don't believe politicians should use their positions of influence to destroy people, legal entities, or lawful causes they personally disagree with. Many liberals believe that, consitution be damned, politicians should do just that. McCain, through action, shows that he apparently agrees with them.
I'm going to try to wrap up on specific policy disagreements-- please believe me when I say there are more of them. Some of them I've written about on this blog. Other disagreements include McCain's support of mandatory drug testing for certain professions, McCain's support for expanding health-care entitlements, McCain's joining the infamous "gang of 14," and McCain's bureaucratic and overly broad anti-torture policies, to name a few. These aren't petty differences either. On every single one of them McCain, right or wrong, has not been on the conservative side. Is it any wonder that McCain has so many friends at the New York Times, Washington Post, and network news agencies?
But, as I mentioned earlier, his politics alone are not why I find McCain so distasteful. Every time a Republican cheers support for McCain I am reminded of the death of the Reagan Coalition. There was a time, albeit brief, when Republicanism and Conservativism were one in the same. It was held together by a guiding political belief that the government should be limited-- limited to do both good and evil-- and that the constitution was the holy document used to ensure those limitations. McCain has largely thrown that philosophy to the wayside. And Republicans and Democrats alike cheer him for it.
That is why I so dislike John McCain. He is the mascot of the corruption of the Republican party-- a party that once stood for limited government and individual freedom. Limited government was guaranteed by the constitution. As a politician McCain has paid very little attention to that precious document during the course of what could be interpreted as a holy crusade-- to stamp out anything he doesn't like, and enshrine everything he does. I disagree with nearly every one of his major political stances. I will be happy to debate in length any of the above mentioned issues at any time. This blog, already entirely too long, was to show that my vitriol was neither random nor alcohol induced-- but instead the result of watching a man betray his constituents, his party, and his nation.
All the while being cheered to do so.