Minus The Nemesis
A Collaboration of Some of the Finest Thought on Today's World


Friday, June 02, 2006
Are you kidding me? I read in a newspaper this morning that only 37% of American kids know where either Saudi Arabia or Iraq is. It is due to the likes of Pamela Rogers, Janet Klatt, Debra Beasley LaFave, the staff of Miskine High School and Sherry Brians (among others) that many children today know where Hookupsville, Ginastan and Cockandballsastan are but not where pertinent countries are. Ridiculous.

Public schools need a serious "going over" as it were. It is a shame that less than a mile from my house a teacher of high school students is accused and subsequently convicted of selling dope to kids is allowed to happen. There is a certain amount of logic to be said for the age-old vetting process. If you don't know what it means; find out. Essentially my gripe is with children screwing up their lives due to not shoddy parenting (as I know cases where parenting has been exhausted) but due to so called "responsible" members of society taking advantage of the non-witting nature of some youthful minds.

In certain instances, one side of the equation has exhausted parental skills and one has utterly failed to make use of them. Meanwhile the youth of today is suffering the knowlege passed by viable professors due to being literally pussy whipped. Sad. Read this and read it again. I am sick of the facts.


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