Minus The Nemesis
A Collaboration of Some of the Finest Thought on Today's World


Tuesday, January 27, 2009
So, let me get this straight; putting many of the same people in the new administration that were of the Clinton White House and staffing with controversy is change we can all believe in, eh?

How, exactly, is simply reversing what a prior president has done getting anything done? How is simply calling terrorist organizations and "reassuring" them that American isn't their enemy doing anything AT ALL for my safety? How exactly is being noted for creating a multitude of EO's in the first week in office not in line with the Democrat ethic of creating a HUGE government?

Already snubbing the media and not being able to work well when given direct questions (ahem, no lobbyists in your cabinet, eh?) is shaping up to look like the makings of a great dictator...congratulations. How long before blogs disappear and censorship runs rampant? Probably not long at all. This is scary stuff here.


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Thursday, January 22, 2009
Is it any wonder that 3rd world shitbags are welcoming this administration? Take for example Moamer Kadhafi (Libya-House Blown the F*ck Up), Fidel Castro (Cuba-Batshit Insane), Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (Iran-Doofus), Ahmed Yousef (Hamas-Dummy), Ramadan Adasi (Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade-Got His Wish), Weathermen (Terrorists-Remain Un-prosecuted)...

The list goes on and on and on. Yet, those that voted him in did so because...why, exactly? Change? Your visions of change obviously include bringing radical thought to our great nation. Morons, the lot of em.


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Rife with scandal even before his election, Barack Obama's administration and friends are going to be bad for America. Take for example, one Nancy Pelosi an alleged powerful politician from San Francisco. Upon Bush's inevitable departure from DC she remarked:
"It felt like a 10-pound anvil was lifted off my head,"
Funny thing is, Bush had a higher approval rating than you and your House dummy. Please shut the f*ck up and pretend, in the very least, pretend you think you know what you are doing. You are a horrible politician who surrounds herself with more liberal ilk just to stack high-ranking positions with shitbags. Congratulations on doing your part to ruin our United States. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

On a good note: the Democrats/Liberals (yes, it is becoming increasingly difficult to discern between the two) are wrecking America with such speed and fervor that their antics will undoubtedly give clout to those who deserve it. Finally Americans will see what a load of shit liberals and democrats have been feeding them.

Goldwater and Reagan had it correct all along.


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Wednesday, January 21, 2009
The first 100 days is going to determine an utter disappointment. Day one was filled with inaccurate information and lies, why should the remaining days be any different? Congratulations morons.


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Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Honestly, what is so stunning and or amazing or even historic about Barack Obama becoming president? Nothing.

Why? Because we have had a president everyday since 1789, morons.

Quit making race an issue. Focus more on the fact that Barack Obama is filling his cabinet with people that are going to ruin the country...do I blame him? Partially, but moreso because HE DOESN'T SEEM KNOW ANY BETTER and that's change you can believe in!


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