Saturday, May 28, 2005
As part of the blog reconstruction effort that Nemesis first put forth, I recoded the blog and came up with what you see. If you like it, please leave comments, good or bad. Based on your comments, I will either A) More than likely degrade you in some way, or B) Return the gesture by linking to your blog. An additional portion of the reconstruction that is not readily viewable to the end user is the WebRing part. I was originally going to include at least four WebRings that I am now a member of, including America's Military WebRing. When I submitted my site to be included in the ring, I received an email stating that my blog was not militarily oriented enough to be included. Now that I am not military enough, I may not include the coded references until I deem necessary.
To those who know, this is a huge irony. To those who don't: guess.