Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Keep in mind the Clinton interview was a bunch of defense mechanisms all strung together. This
funny Leno bit is more appropriate (i.e. if you replace UBL with Santa Claus it is more believable). Uh, oh! The content has been removed because "it was used without permission". Either that or an election is coming up.
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Tuesday, September 26, 2006
I tell you reader(s), I was surfing last night on my less-than-Comtastic channels and stumbled upon a movie called
"Armegeddon". What a good premise: a bunch of roughnecks are hired to go and drill 800 feet into a rogue "global killer" comet bound to destroy humanity and blow it up with a nuclear bomb. One problem: Ben Affleck is in it. Still recovering from his shoddy "acting" in
"Pearl Harbor",
"Good Will Hunting",
"Gigli" (you get the picture) I was filled with terror and disgust all over again.
Honestly, Ben Affleck a roughneck? No. Buscemi was a stretch, but Affleck?! At any rate, I tried in earnest to like the movie despite the downfall that is Ben. When push comes to shove at the very end of the film I was a bit disappointed in all the whining and crybaby rubbish flying about in space. Then to top off my crapfest sundae, Affleck pulls a Knievel over the "grand canyon" of the comet. Doubtful. I still do and will always see Affleck as Will Hunting's semi-retarded sidekick in
"Good Will Hunting" (great movie, but don't get me started on Matt "Slumber party at Howard Zinn's house; hate America theme" Damon).
Really fellas? Zinn is your "Zen master"? That's a bit corny...that turd makes Chomsky look like the Pope. I can't believe these idiots get paid to spread the word of Socialism. Political ideologies based on political genocide...classy fellas, really classy. That's alright though...why? Because
James Beswick over at "The Campaign to Stop Ben Affleck" has a great idea. Take a look at his site for a funny look at things. Pay close attention to the irony pointed out in the subtitle of the picture showing Affleck at the "actor's" studio. Nice work James.
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Monday, September 25, 2006
Omar al-Farouq alleged leader of al-Qaida's Southeast Asia operations was killed by British troops today after he opened fire on them. Good. Another terrorist down. This dirtbag escaped from a max-security prison a while back and has been on the lam ever since.
"My husband was kidnapped by America but they never officially told us ... for more than three years," Mira Agustina said then. "I don't believe that my husband was a terrorist. He is only an ordinary man who cried when he watched movies about violence."
If not believing that entering flight school just to comandeer an aircraft to ram into buildings, going through three years of intense terrorist training or plotting to hijack trucks to blow up in suicide missions is benign, then this woman is plain dumb. Really? He cried? That was probably anger coming out in that he was not the one conducting said violent actions against "infidels".
Being that Mira, her two daughters and the late Mr. al-Farouq went to the United States "to work", then Mira may be collecting on some sort of jihadist life insurance. That being said, I heard that there is a bridge in Brooklyn for sale; again, I will gladly broker the deal.
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Sunday, September 24, 2006
I was scouring the web today for sites, and found one called
Right Truth. Great site, do yourself a favor and go read it immediately.
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After being wounded in Iraq by a roadside bomb, Purple Heart recipient Darrell Anderson is returning home to the US.
"I decided that I've got to go back and get this over with once and for all, instead of living in limbo up here forever,"
I am pretty sure that means that Johnny Law caught up with him and it wasn't a conscious decision. He left over two years ago, married a Canadian woman and was supported by the Queen Nut, Cindy Sheehan; he didn't plan on coming back.
Apparently his lawyer didn't file the paperwork in time to qualify the deserter as a refugee so now he has to come back...Canada doesn't want him. What's more:
"I just decided that I've got to face my demons, put on my uniform, and go back and tell the Army that I don't want to participate in this war," he said. "I feel like I have to tell them face-to-face; I have to make my stand once and for all."
You didn't have no choice dummy. You disgrace the uniform that you wish to put back on...just wear your "AWOL" t-shirt tough-guy and see how far that will get with the good graces of the UCMJ. May you spend the rest of your life in prison...Private.
Hat Tip:
Canadian Blue LemonsMinus
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Saturday, September 23, 2006
Joke central right here.
Former President Bill Clinton is openly criticizing present President G.W. Bush for his alleged "inaction" on the capture of bin Laden.
"I authorized the CIA to get groups together to try to kill him," Clinton said. He added he had drawn up plans to go into Afghanistan to overthrow the Taliban and launch an attack against bin Laden after the attack on the Cole in the Yemeni port of Aden.
Gee, dummy, how exactly does this qualify as "inaction" if all you did is allegedly write the idea down and not execute it? What's better and damn near the implicit definition of "inaction" is the fact that Billy denied an extradition order for Osama three times! Let's run through a quick formula I have "drawn up plans for":
WtD=Wag the Dog
Mo=Military Operations
PClinton*(McOval Office+SLewinsky)+MoDesert Fox+Infinite Reach+Allied Force
IDenied Extradition Orders UBL3=WtDI eagerly await my Fields Medal (Nemesis will have to botch the application so that I can get it).
Clinton can backpedal and whine all he wants to about being impeached, laughed at, "put upon" and "accused" due to all sorts of presidential foul-ups, cover-ups and battery back-ups he wants to. The facts remain that Clinton was largely ineffective at his job and wants a piece of the pie that everyone is whining about; Iraq, Afghanistan and the GWOT. Now that someone actually did focus on the job at hand and is getting results vice getting their bell tower serviced, Clinton is jealous. "I actually drew up plans to..." Really? How the shit did you expect to mount these logistically gigantic operations with your downsizing of the military? You were and still seem to be full of hot-air and nothing but talk. Crybaby.
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Nicolas Maduro was
detained by officials as he was trying to fly back to Venezuela on Saturday. You see, Nick "what do you mean I have to have a ticket?" Maduro showed up to the airport without his airline ticket. Therefore, he is an idiot; a Venezuelan idiot.
Of course the head idiot of the country Hugo Chavez told everyone who would listen that his foreign Minister [Maduro] was harassed and held on account of his alleged involvement in a failed 1992 coup against then President Perez. Chavez was a Lt. Col. in that failed attempt at a coup and was in fact a "leader" of said rebellion. What a jackass (and apparently a failure too). I think that we have another Che Guevara on our hands; Che never won a battle either.
As it turns out, Maduro showed up to the airport and bought a ticket with cash because he was too stupid to remember his already purchased one, and was subsequently subject to the additional screening process associated with buying tickets with cash. He wasn't pushed, yelled at and or beaten like the crazy Venezuelans would have you believe. You see, these are the same assholes that came to mine and your country for the sole purpose not of diplomacy, but of subversion and name calling.
Well, a) Hugo Chavez and Maduro can jump off a bridge, and b) Danny Glover can also leave his mark on my fourth point of contact (honestly, this guy would have been a loyalist in 1776).
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You can walk just about anywhere and see a spot of the past. I am speaking specifically of the fashion of the 1980's. That's right, it's coming back. If you exhibit any such past relics of fashion, you should be beaten. Collars up, pants tight-rolled, bandanas, leggings (yes, I have seen those too), big shirts with equally huge belts, boots that the Dread Pirate Roberts would envy...just let it all go away!
Surely retrograde fashion isn't the future of fashion. Personally, if you want to look like an idiot, go ahead. I will stick to my current setup thank you very much.
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Friday, September 22, 2006
Although flag burning is in fact protected by the First Amendment,
this guy is a dummy. Probably some common sense should have been used here...go outside and do your flag burning demo you idiot.
While I can't agree with actually even doing this [in the classroom] and impressioning young minds with this garbage, I don't think that's the issue. Flag burning will always happen, but I think that the following is the more important issue:
"In social studies on Friday Mr. Holden took a lighter to the America (sic) flag and he burned it to get a reaction from us. Then he told us to go for homework ask are (sic) parents what they thought."
Holden "walked in and grabbed a lighter and the flag and caught the flag on fire then told us to right (sic) down what we thought so we did. Then he told us to go home and tell are (sic) parents and wright (sic) down what they said. Then class was over."
"Mr. Holden was doing an experiment and wanted us to wright (sic) actual fillings (sic) of how we felt of him burning the flag. So it was just a little social studys (sic) activity."
Look at the grammar of these stupid students! Screw the flag burning incident, these kids are lacking any sort of fundamental education! Get on the ball down in Kentucky for God's sake! Teach the kids something they can use for the rest of their life, not just their rebellion and or revolutionary phase. Get real.
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"News" Article.
Within the article you will find that there is a "new" energy drink labeled as "Cocaine" and people are upset about it. Some people feel that children may link the Class A drug with the energy drink, or use the drink as a gateway to the Bolivian Marching Powder. Pretty stupid. With about 9.4E67 energy drinks already on the market, who really gives a crap about a new one? Nobody but the people who don't really drink them. With 280mg of caffeine in it, Cocaine claims to not have the sugar crash or jitters associated with other drinks.
I have experienced the sugar crash and jitters from Red Bull. I will have one if I am driving and feeling tired (and have to stay up) etc. I don't
really think that Red Bull will give me wings, I don't really think that there is a beast to be unleased within a can of Monster, I don't feel as if I can really sprint down the runway of an aircraft carrier faster than a catapulting F-18 jet if I drink Hooah! Soldier Fuel (in my military years, I haven't even seen a soldier drink this), I don't feel like smashing up a hotel room in a stupor after drinking a Rock Star energy drink, so why on earth would I feel like trying to score a gram of California Cornflakes after drinking one of these new cans? Because common sense prevails, that's why.
I don't know why this new drink is singled out anyhow. Probably just because it's new and actually has the word "cocaine" as its title. I guess the same people that worry about this can totally skipped the boat on "Amp" from Mountain Dew then? After all, to be amped is a slang term for being stimulated by cocaine! Dummies. I think that the worst that will happen is some stupid-ass kid will at most throw up after trying to suck this energy drink through a straw into his/her snot locker.
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Thursday, September 21, 2006
After the fairly disparaging remarks made by both Chavez and Ahmadinejad at the United Nations (the infamous letter-writing agency), Chavez took more cheap shots in New York City's Harlem today.
After calling the President of the United States "El Diablo" (the Devil) and also referring to him as a "cowboy" one Danny Glover (socialist sympathizer, follower, populist and typical Hollywood leftist) had the audacity to introduce Hugo Chavez at a speech in a Baptist Church. Chavez spoke to the unwitting drones for about an-hour-and-a-half spewing more and more socialist bollocks to the masses.
Danny Glover calls Chavez his friend and brother and I would imagine also saddles up Chavez like a pony in his dreams. Danny Glover is a dickhead who plainly doesn't understand the tenets of communism and or socialism.
Of the several interviews of governmental entities that I saw/heard today I must say that I am pleasently surprised that quite a few Democrats have stepped up to the plate and called Chavez nothing more than a thug. Look, the US may have internal issues that need to be addressed, but like the interviewees had stated, this is
our country! No foreign head of state is going to come into our country and bad-mouth the President. I don't care if the CINC is a Democrat, Republican, conservative or liberal President is an institution that should be respected. Nobody. That is tasteless and makes one look like a complete imbecile.
Hopefully, this will incite a wakeup call for the American populace into the realm of possibility that Chavez, Ahmadinejad, Morales, Catro, Chomsky, Zinn and the bulk of the Hollywood elitist-set are not only full of world-stage, international poop but also that socialism and communism really aren't that great and should stay in the history books. What are the chances?
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Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Nuisance suit indeed. Especially if
this guy is right. It very well may be a calculated response to things like
this as well.
California has always had strict laws on pollution...after all, it is one of the most polluted states in the Union, has the worst air quality in the US has the worst Ozone polluted city in the US (Los Angeles), the worst county polluted by long-term particle pollution county in the US (Riverside), has the top three metropolitan areas most polluted by year (LA, Bakersfield and Visalia-Porterville) and the top three metropolitan areas most polluted by short-term particle pollution (LA, Fresno and Bakersfield).
Overall, California seems to be a big-talker on pollution but is the biggest
dump. Nice work.
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With the entry yesterday about the UFO in a parallel orbit with the Space Shuttle Atlantis, I have a wee bit to add: apparently it is a few garbage sacks floating about space. Seriously, who dumps trash in space? Cinchsakanauts, that's who.
Trashonaut 1: "Shit dude, no one is looking; do it!"
Trashonaut 2: "I don't know man, someone is going to find out!"
Trashonaut 1: "Seriously, don't be a sissy; I will space-punch your helmeted face. Dump the garbage and let's watch Seinfeld."
Trashonaut 2: "I guess...alright. Whee! Wait! Are those still on? You jerk!"
All joking
aside I hope the heftynauts return home safely and throw down a coat of paint on that bad oscar and maybe even some glue to hold the thing together. Seriously, gladonauts.
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Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Adam Gadahn (another example of "American Taliban") is eluding capture apparently in the hills of Pakistan somewhere. This would be the region (South Warziristan) in which Pakistani troops are not allowed to engage enemy due to a "peace agreement". This means that the militant tribal asshats in the region have relative autonomy to shelter terrorists. Nice work Pakistan; way to stay strong. Allegedly this kid reports to Ayman al-Zawahiri, the number two in "command" of Al-Qaeda.
Check out this idiot's
picture! Of course I am referring to the one in the lower-left corner. Tell me this kid didn't buy into the whole pop culture "black is in" bullshit and play a bit of the D&D. Ayman will be no doubt pissed when the pictures air of this asshole's capture revealing that he was wearing a guild t-shirt of some kind. Guaranteed that when (this is no question whatsoever) they catch this dolt he will have at least 3 20-sided die in his man-jammies.
Because of his role in providing material support to terrorism, I hope this kid is captured and subsequently served a healthy pile of the SF cats that catch him, the MP's in the cage when he is turned over, the guards at Guantanamo Bay and finally the DOJ where he will hopefully rot in a cell for the rest of his demented life. Scumbag.
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In a bit from The Wall Street Journal ed page comes an entry from
Cyrus Nowrasteh (the guy who wrote the screenplay depicting Bill Clinton's record on terrorism; "Path to 9/11"). It is aptly titled: "The Path to Hysteria" and basically tells of the frustration and whiny nature of pundits who never even saw the
miniseries to begin with.
Overall, a good read and I would recommend taking the time to do so. Can't get any more from the horses face if you ask me.
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Atlantis is in orbit right now, but so is some other object. The object is on a parallel orbit with the shuttle and nobody seems to have an idea of what it might be. Technically I guess it
is a UFO then. At any rate, I would be checking spacesuit pockets for keys, wallets, etc. It was suggested that it was something floating about when they opened the cargo bay, but apparently an inventory was done and everything was there.
My guess is that it is a piece of tile (or some related bit of shuttle) that broke loose; NASA doesn't have the best track record in this arena. God help the astronauts to make it back safe...and check your pockets.
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I was watching a spot of the news today at lunch and saw that the military is attempting a coup of the PM in Thailand. What news I thought! Then I researched a timeline of Thailand and discovered that this country is rife with this sort of action (i.e. it is nothing new). Oh well, I will be interested to see how (and more importantly why) this is turning out the way it is to further my knowledge of the country.
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Friday, September 08, 2006
While it is acceptable for liberally slanted television shows to air, the moment a leftist screams and cries that there may be a conservative slant to a show the result is a crappy scandal.
In this case it is the 9/11 mini-series to air this Sunday and Monday on ABC. It is called: "
The Path to 9/11" and is supposed to describe the events leading up to 9/11. It will be interesting to watch, but I don't know how accurate it will or won't be. It would seem logical to include such facts as President Bill Clinton denying extradition orders no less than three times for the elusive Osama bin Laden and how his fray with an intern may or may not have had his priorities elsewhere. Perhaps the Sudan was a Wag the Dog scenario? Who knows?
At any rate, even some of the "stars" of the TV show are now whining about it. The one that gets me the most is one Harvey Keitel. He "stars" in the TV drama, but never once questioned the motivations of the writers and or producer until it became a scandal and some democrats challenged the legitimacy of information in the film? I am calling BS on that one, Harv. Follower. This guy must really be hurting for work if he has to stump for populist attitudes.
If ABC folds like the Buffalo Bills in the Super Bowl and decide to pull the series altogether, I would probably be upset as many of the people surrounding the series are. All the work and money put into it, gone? Perhaps people can buy it on DVD if they really want to see it. The point remains that liberal tripe such as morbidly obese Michael Moore's crapfest
"Fahrenheit 9/11" can air why not an innocuous drama? Liberals are never really that connected with the truth, maybe that's why they want it yanked like the People's President's crank in the Oval Office. Suck it up and come up with a counter to it! Oh, well, I guess The West Wing qualifies.
I do think that Keitel did have some decent logic at work when he said it needs to be factual. I think that it truly should be unbiased and truth-ridden. I hope that ABC makes it so and the liberal whiners shut the hell up about it and watch it in their donkey pajamas on Sunday and Monday. Or, the converse should be looked at: don't watch it, you still have the power to change channels I hope. Due to all of the scandalous print this is getting, those who never would have given the film a second glance over other programs may have their interest peaked now. Nice moves critics, nice moves. Onward I say!
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With no real relation besides the name as far as I can tell, promiscuous princess Paris Hilton is an idiot. No real surprise there, of course, but the latest "scandal" should leave nothing wanting.
Hilton, who was arrested in L.A. yesterday, called into Ryan Seacrest's radio show to tell her side of the story.
"And um, I had one margarita, starving 'cause I had not ate all day, on my way to In-n-Out which is probably three blocks away, and I'm in my (Mercedes) SLR, which is a little fast, so maybe I was speeding a little bit", she giggled "and I got pulled over."
When you have not "ate" all day, whew, that surely justifies driving while under the influence. Dummy. Rife with justifications such as how her SLR "which is a little fast" (I am no physicist, but I am pretty sure even the SLR is capable of moderate speeds and may in fact have some correlation between how far you press the accelerator down and the resulting speed of which you are traveling), the story is lame. Basically laughing off the incident and saying that she was not charged with DUI also makes Paris Hilton a slutty-liar.
LAPD reporting clearly dictates that the skeleton-dipped-in-wax was in fact arrested and charged with DUI. She was also released on her own recognizance, a standard operating procedure (no, this celebrity didn't get a ride home from police like Patrick Kennedy did). While she only had a BAC of the minimum level to warrant an arrest in California, the point still remains that Paris Hilton is a dummy. Whee!
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