Wednesday, August 31, 2005
I've been out of the loop recently, and will probably continue to write sporadically for the foreseeable future. Minus, however, has been putting out some dy-no-mite posts and is more than carrying the load.
So, thanks Minus.
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A piece of Minus' last post explained how Democrats allowed this country to wage a war, and then cried about that very same war. This is part of a larger problem our legislative branch has been dealing with-- the abdication of its constitutional responsibility. Time was, the congress had to specifically vote, yes or no, on declaring war. Now they do a sneaky political maneuver-- voting to allow the President to use force in the future. A subtle, but important difference. With the latter method congressmen can do exactly what they are doing now, allow a war to be waged by giving the President blanket approval, and then bitching about him using it. It saves our poor congressional representatives from actually taking a clear stance on an issue.
Love him or hate him, President Bush is the polar opposite of this Kerryitic behavior. Bush, through personal reflection and trusted counsel decides on an appropriate action, and then takes it. None of this limp-wristed pass the buck political maneuverings our congress seems to be so fond of.
While ideologues in the Senate block qualified judicial nominees on very dubious constitutional grounds, compare our soldiers to Pol Pot's murderous thugs, and graft the taxpayer billions of dollars for pork-barrel pet projects, our President is massively assaulted on his clear, decisive leadership. Its bizarro world in every way-- the media praises the likes of Leahy, Kennedy, and Durbin while lambasting the close-mindedness and lack of sophistication of Bush.
Meanwhile, America's glitterati left lavishly praise Cindy Sheehan as a true supporter of our troops in Iraq-- while those same troops disgust of her is only matched by their dedication to their mission.
We live in a world where responsibility and accountability are rapidly becoming things of the past. Hero's are made of demagogues whose only concerns are re-election, while villains made of decision makers.
I think it was The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, in which the townspeople hate the hero because he reminded them of how weak they were. It's in this same dishonorable mode that our congress, and a sizeable portion of our media, act every day.
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In all honesty, I have to wonder what the motivation is for activism and dissent towards the current administration. I can only come up with one reason; fashionable liberal practices are to blame. I have stated this before, but with facts such as 29 Democrats joining 48 Republicans to pass a Senate resolution 77-23 in October of 2002, why is it that "Bush is to blame"? Only hours earlier the House passed an identical resolution 296-133.
I wonder if the majority of who I will call the seemingly confused have a working knowledge of the American government. Now, I don't claim to be an expert on government in the slightest, but how can you just show up at the picket line carrying a placard without having all or at least, some, of the facts? One of the reasons that I will point out this liberal mindset is because it seems as if they have the loudest voice. By loudest, I don't mean most heard; rather incessant bickering. It seems like the most common cry is: "No War". Well, since October of 2002 there has been a war going on, so that's a lost cause. Then there is the "Impeach Bush" crowd. I would love to have these utterly confused individuals realize that the man did, in fact, win two elections. There was no conspiracy, there was no scam and Karl Rove was not in a damp basement somewhere busily manipulating the incoming votes. I am not saying that you can't teach an old dog a new trick, but let's be realistic for a moment: the Nintendo generation has the lock-down on computers, not politicians with bigger things to worry about such as running the country vice uncovering the latest email and TCP/IP packet hacks. Get over it, already.
Furthermore, the reason for the "Impeach Bush" placard zombies mystifies me nearly beyond belief. If their entire argument is based on the whole "No War" gig, it doesn't hold much (if any) logical ideal at all. Just look at some of the Democratic powerhouse Senators who helped pass this now famous resolution: Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, John Edwards, Tom Daschle, Christopher Dodd, Dianne Feinstein, John Kerry, Joe Lieberman, Zell Miller and Harry Reid are among the most notable names. There are in fact 19 others who voted the same way. At this point, spirited debate ensued as to whether or not the joint resolution was too broad and too early to initiate military action. This would mean that diplomatic efforts to enforce the UN resolutions failed, which seems accurate to me. You know the rest of the story, we did engage in conflict with Iraq. While they are showing solidarity for an anti-war effort (some even call it a "movement"), some of the very people that they supposedly align themselves with voted for military action. It just seems confusing to me why that is taking place.
Consider the following: Iraq's chemical weapons program (which sources indicate as starting in the 1960's) was a rather large, complex operation with the capacity to produce as much as 700 tons (varying sources indicate up to 14,000 tons) of agents per year. These agents consisted of mustard gas as well as two different types of nerve agents. Mustard gas is no gem, but nerve agents are far more nasty creatures. The two agents in question are Sarin and Tabun; VX may have also been manufactured. Iraq maintains (this is speaking to the days of the UN weapons inspections) that they have never deployed nerve agents, but evidence suggests that Tabun may have been used against Iranian forces in 1987. Then there is the greater-known incident involving the gassing of Kurds in 1988; mustard gas and nerve agents may have been deployed. There is no denying that this happened. Perhaps because Iraq was not a signatory at the Chemical Weapons Convention the displaced regime felt as if they were exempt from rules such as UN Resolution 687 mandating the destruction of chemical weapons? I realize that at that time, Iraq was a sovereign nation and that they have the right to not sign. However, given the many times that Hussein decided to break the cease-fire agreement, this is relevant. There has been an extensive amount of chemicals destroyed; both finished and precursor chemicals, mind you, as well as the vector for delivery by the UN Special Commission. What about their biological warfare program? They had the capability and technical knowledge to create anthrax, botulinum toxin, aflatoxin, and gas gangrene as well as the vector for delivery in a variety of form-factors. I won't mention the nuclear program and the procurement of black-market [weapons grade] uranium and plutonium to produce fissile material by Iraq. I will leave some research up to you, reader.
The mention of these three threats (nuclear, biological and chemical) which many a liberal would like to deny exists; is to simply point out that Iraq did have the capability for all three. They were formerly actively engaged in the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. I don't know why it is so difficult for some people to grasp that.
The ResolutionWMD ResearchIraq Timeline
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Monday, August 29, 2005
I had to have a little chuckle at this one. Chavez has called for legal action against Pat Robertson, which may entail extradition. Pat Robertson is quoted as saying that "...[Chavez] thinks we're trying to assassinate him, I think that we really ought to go ahead and do it." An asinine remark really, but an even more asinine reaction to it.
These threats of legal action are coming from the same guy who has called President Bush "Mr. Danger," and also joked that he may give the President a scare at the Summit of the Americas in Argentina in November.
"I have something in mind," Chavez said. "I will walk to him very quietly and say 'boo.'"
Chavez is a close ally of Castro and is reveling in his own road to a Bolivar-inspired socialism as well as a more authoritarian rule at home. I think that he may just be a paranoid nut job.
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Look here. He was just doing the right thing...right?
Al Sharpton's driver evaded police for nine miles before finally being pulled over. Police clocked the rented 2005 Lincoln going 110 miles per hour in a 65. The excuse? Oh, the Reverend had to get to the airport after a meeting with Cindy Sheehan. The driver was arrested and the rental car impounded. When asked if they wanted a ride to the hotel by police, Sharpton and his non-arrested friend declined, walking instead. Were they
really running that late then? My vote goes with: no.
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Michael Moore, the controversial "film-maker" has enrolled in fat camp. The purpose as reported by is to shed 12 pounds within the first three weeks as well as learning to cook healthy and attend "life re-education" training.
Well...I don't know what to think about this. It seems a bit ironic that the guy is shelling out $3800.00 per week for the camp to begin with. What does this re-education entail? Perhaps it is just ammo for a new mockumentary about how morbidly obese persons are at a societal disadvantage of sorts. Maybe Moore will drop out after he finds that this re-education includes common sense and respect classes? This may or may not turn out to be interesting.
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This nonsense really should come as no surprise, readers. A Man In the Arena is at it again!
This time he denies having emptied my bottle of scotch. He has a weak defense, if one at all. Stop by and have a look.
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Sunday, August 28, 2005
I just don't know about
It would seem as if the French are attempting to increase their help with the global war on terrorism. What I ask is this: why is this even an issue? Shouldn't they have been on board 100% from the inception? Perhaps the frogs are bitter and still reeling from the Armstrong victory? Maybe Chirac is just an idiot? Either way, I would wonder if there is another reason behind this. Too little, too late comes immediately to mind.
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Saturday, August 27, 2005
Cindy Sheehan has turned any cause that she may have had into a media circus and dragged her son's name through the mud at the same time. I hope that she is proud of herself for defaming a soldier who did his a volunteer army I might add.
I realize that by keeping on writing about Sheehan, it perpetuates the propaganda that she spews, but this is more of an update. Protest Warrior is now in Crawford, planning to counter-protest the protest. There is the "You don't speak for me, Cindy!" tour also there, as well as a few people that actually support Sheehan...or at least they do for the moment. The "Fashionable Liberal Practices" handbook clearly states that you have to show solidarity for at least one asinine protest during your tenure in a political coma...some have gone way overboard and just chosen not to wake up at all.
Here is an interesting quote from Sheehan's large mouth:
"I know that the Camp Casey movement is going to end the war in Iraq."
No, actually it's not. What is going to end the Iraq War is people doing their job like your son did. Unfortunately you are not willing to accept the consequences that come with a job like that. Movement? What is that all about? What I do after consuming a pile of Hooters spicy wings and several pints of Killian's would qualify as a movement...not this tripe. Why was it that we never heard Sheehan protesting about her son
joining the army in the first place? Maybe because she didn't expect a war to come along? Cindy: who do you think fights in these conflicts? What is it you think the army does?
Casey apparently got the gray matter from his dad...whom as I recall has made another smart move by ditching (no pun intended) his cashew of a wife. As this goes on we will see if the nutcase will stick to her guns, only to be arrested for tax evasion. This whole thing has got to be a one can really be this stupid, bordering on completely retarded and still function, can they?
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Apparently the Kalpoe brothers of "The Case of the Missing Aruba-Girl" fame, have been arrested (again) along with a third, unidentified cohort today. The three were arrested on suspicion of premeditated murder and rape of the 18-year-old Holloway. Stay tuned if you
care, dare.
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Check this
site out and let me know what you think, as I am going to let you know what I think.
Should you not bother with the site, I will share the overall message. This site is the chronicle of a morbidly obese man named Steve Vaught. Once a lanky teenager, and a muscular Marine, Steve has steadily been gaining weight for the past 15 years due to some life experiences. Steve took it upon himself to do something about being fat...after 15 years. What is he doing to remedy his situation you ask? Well, only walking from San Diego, California to New York City of course. The overall goal is to lose weight and gain 30-40 years of lifespan.
I think that it's great that Steve is doing something about his battle with obesity. What I don't think is so great is the fact that he is losing out on 5-6 months with his family...and fully realizes that without income for this period he will lose his car and his property. I think that may put his family in a precarious position that they needn't be in. Steve made his choice consciously mind you, but aren't there numerous other ways to lose weight, maintain a job and spend time with your family? At any rate, Steve as of this writing has trekked approximately 822 miles.
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While reading a copy of the Washington Post the other day, I stumbled across an article about a 15-year-old woman's struggle to regain lost property for another family.
It seems as if one Amanda Meyer of Madison, Connecticut has taken it upon herself to ensure the spacesuit of Gus Grissom is returned to his family. Ms. Meyer is not connected in any way to the family of Gus Grissom besides the whole "give the spacesuit back" gig. I think she may be a fan of the astronaut who perished in the Apollo I fire at the launch pad in 1967.
As best as I can tell, the family allowed NASA to use some of Grissom's things to put in the Astronaut Hall of Fame, and a private museum, including the spacesuit (although I am pretty sure that was NASA's to begin with. Read that as: Betty Grissom did not knit or sew his spacesuit as I am pretty sure that space-travel requires special garments.). Once the museum came under the management of a NASA contractor in 2002 the family wanted their belongings back. "Fair enough! Take your cowboy hat, wristwatch, patch and American flag back!" said NASA, but they kept the spacesuit. Why?! Probably because it is government equipment.
This is a case of theft according to a 15-year-old girl and the family. To NASA, it's another story: it seems as if NASA records indicate that Gus signed out his own suit in 1965 to take to his kids' school for show-and-tell one day and never brought it back. The dude vicked his own suit!
While I am sure that this may be a noble cause to someone born in 1990, I think that this is something for the family and NASA to sort out. As a matter of fact, I think they should sort it out by having a
space shuttle cleaning contest.
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With yet another effort to derail the machine that is Lance Armstrong, the French have come up with another accusation. This time, L'Equipe (French rag) states that Lance used the red blood cell enhancing drug EPO in 1999. Prior to 1999 by Lance's own admission, he used EPO (prescribed of course) to help combat the effects of chemotherapy.
The national anti-doping lab located in Chatenay-Malabry, France is the reviewing and testing authority for the urine samples from riders in the Tour de Lance. Now, when the urine comes in for testing, it is labeled with an assigned number, not a name. To wit: there is not a correlation between the riders and their urine as far as the lab is concerned. Apparently, the lab received the samples 15 of which tested positive for EPO. The lab does not know who tested positive, all they know is that 15 persons tested positive...but somehow, the frog newspaper staff claims they know. I think that Victor Hugo Pena (one of Lance's former teammates) said it best:
"The French are bad losers who cannot accept his supremacy on the Tour."
After his 7
th win, Lance addressed the accusers during his parting speech:
"I'm sorry for you. I'm sorry you don't believe in miracles."
Le Dummies.
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Sunday, August 21, 2005
After a decent meal of medium-rare steak, red-skinned potatoes, a spot of tortilla soup, caesar salad and a scotch and water to wash it all down, I was feeling pretty good. The particular restaurant had only been open for two weeks and is still working out the bugs; despite that, it was a decent place.
At any rate, now that I had the taste for scotch, once I got home I reached into the Old Kennedy Cabinet for a bottle of Johnny Walker Black. Hoping for a nightcap, all I was to find was my bottle in a near state of depletion; only then remembering that when you invite
A Man in the Arena to your home, he takes to whisky quicker than Lewinsky to cigars.
Next time you roll by the
apart, er, mansion you best bring a decent bottle A Man in the Arena! Not Sheep Dip or the Military Grade Scotch (you know the one with K-Pot and Boots on the label). No, you better bring a good Auchentoshan, Laphroaig, Lagavulin or Glenmorangie.
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Saturday, August 20, 2005
We, as Americans must stay the course and support the troops no matter what your individual political agenda may be. I guarantee you that no one opposes war more than those that actually have to fight it; be it on the home front (I know, there are libs who still deny that we have been infiltrated), or the battlefront. Pay attention to that last sentence carefully you neo-hippy scumbags that surf through your college years on mommy and daddy's money. Eventually, you may come to realize that "action" may very well mean taking up arms and protecting what's yours and not toting some placard about with lost meanings on them. Collectively, you have ended squat in past years. You cause confusion and misunderstanding; little else.
When you begin a fruitless tirade like your comrade, Ms. Sheehan, you begin to lose completely the sight of you original goal. Everyone is privy of your original goals also; because, simply, it has been done before. You are nothing new. Your ideals don't exist; they are but a phase in your pathetic lives. Maybe you will finally realize that you are not the only ones who have never actually read "Das Kapital"; no one has. It's meaningless just like your ideology. You are living an outdated fad...that's it. This will all come to light when you actually realize that all you have been complaining about is precisely what keeps your sorry asses alive and well enough to do so. Stop, think about the troops that are going through Hell this very moment. You have absolutely nothing to complain about compared to most. Get real, and get your heads straight.
This of course, is easier said than done, I know. Try neo-hippies, try.
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Friday, August 19, 2005
Although I am inclined not to believe the title of this
article, it is an important prospect.
What is being called a new Taliban has allegedly "emerged" in Afghanistan. I would be inclined to think that the former members have finally regrouped after 4 years and are getting back into the fight. That's quite alright, mind you. We, the US, possess enough resources to militarily, economically, and diplomatically put this country back into the stone-age where it belongs (with the rest of the terrorist states), until the terrorists get the message. Only then, should they be allowed to even attempt to run a country.
I have read "The Other Side of the Mountain" and must say the tactics and strategy that have been employed since the Afghan-Russian conflict are a direct result of US intervention and thusly should not be a problem to defeat. The tactics and strategy are now changing, however. This means that the US tactics that were once taught to the now scumbags, must be worked around (which I am 100% sure that the US military community has a contingency plan for) and defeated on another level. This is what is being done now.
I laud the troops and associated support elements for doing what they have done thus far and hope that they will continue to do to eradicate these terrorist scumbags from the earth on all fronts. Baby steps forward; this is going to take time. By the same token; time well spent.
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Several sources from the internet will produce the same (or relatively close) information, so I will not link to any particular site. The reason for the entry is a bit of interesting sabotage history that I learned from watching a special on the History Channel this evening.
During a visit to Iran in 1972, then President Nixon was engaged in conversation with the Shah of Iran about Soviet MiG aircraft being able to fly above Iranian airspace unimpeded. Nixon suggested that the Shah could look into purchasing either the F-14 Tomcat, or the F-15 Eagle. The Shah was apparently at an impasse as to which he should pursue as an option to end the MiG invasion of Iranian airspace, so he wanted an air show of both aircraft. The F-14 Tomcat won.
The US Government approved the transaction and 80 jets were to be sold to the Iranians. Nearly identical to the US Navy F-14 Tomcat (except the omitted, classified avionics), the Tomcat was to prove a formidable weapon. One F-14 was retained in the US as a test bed, and the other 79 delivered to Iran. In January of 1979 turmoil enveloped Iran and as a result, the Shah fled the country. The Ayatollah Khomeini took control of the country and established an Islamic State. Of course in doing so, the Ayatollah adopted an anti-west stance. There was an arms embargo placed on the country by the west.
There were a number of US "contractors" from Grumman also working on the aircraft and providing guidance to the Iranians. After the Ayatollah took over and the embargo was emplaced, the Iranian F-14s could somehow, no longer fire their missiles. Weird.
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No, thank you.
With a variety of spray flavors, you can grace any meal in which you need to replace toppings, gravies, dressings and sauces; usually what makes the meal worthwhile. With a quick spritz of Buttermilk Ranch, Smoked Bacon, Memphis BBQ, Hot & Sour, Pesto, Teriyaki, Chocolate Fudge, Cookies & Cream, and Strawberry Shortcake, you too can add the extra flair and flavor that comes from, well, a spray bottle.
Carry them anywhere:
"Yo dude. These cutlets taste like Sheehan Ditch Breath, give me a hit of BBQ man!" Problem solved.
"Word up cutty, this chicken tastes like diarrhea son; spritz my ass wit some 'yaki chump!" Problem solved.
"I wonder what this NY strip would taste like with cookies and cream spritz?" Problem solved.
"I am so hungry for a bacon sandwich, but all I have is a piece of bread. I wish that I had a bottle of bacon spritz." Problem solved.
With numerous other taste-combos out there, look for the spray bottle coming to a store shelf near you!
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Freddy Alborta, the man who made famous the dead, would-be capitalist corpse of Ernesto "Che" Guevara, has died. While "Che" is still just a dead commie, I am sure that there will actually be people who will miss Alborta; with reason. Having been to Trier and also spitting on Karl Marx' doorstep, I can say that I have checked that one off of the list. Next stop: Bolivia!
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I wonder.
Seems as if a missile was fired at a US Navy ship docked in Aqaba, missing the ship and hitting a warehouse instead, killing a Jordanian man. Another missile was fired and landed near an airport in Israel. Yet another missile, hit a taxi, but failed to explode. No sailors or marines were injured in the attacks.
It is thought that the attacks came from a neighborhood on the outskirts of Aqaba, 210 miles south of Amman; the capital of Jordan. Also under speculation is the possibility that the attacks occurred because of tension between Israel and "Palestine" and the recent attacks on the Sinai Peninsula. I am thankful that no sailors or marines were injured, and at the same time hope that they perps get caught for killing an innocent warehouse worker.
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Thursday, August 18, 2005
Harry Hutton has wrapped up his
dealings with the communists. Scoring some pinko action seemed to be a bit more difficult than he thought:
A girl from the Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League gave me her number, but it's an +8502 number (Pyongyang). Another delegate cameout with me for a drink, but she only wanted to bitch about the United States all night, which isn't my idea of fun. Did she want to come back to my place and denounce George Bush? She did not.
As always, worth a look.
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My hatred for Cindy Sheehan is becoming pathological-- and is fueled, everyday, by some new crazy shit that spews out of her mouth.
Check this out.
Supremetort compiled a list of "Sheehanisms." A collection of the rabid, leftist, talking points that she has used her son's death to advance to the public.
From the inane:
"(US Soldiers) were ALL killed performing duties that they were inadequately or not trained for at all."
To the vicious:
"The only reason Bush wants to stay there is because his buddies are getting rich and feasting off the blood of our children."
Sheehan on President Bush (who she has taken the liberty of calling George) and his administration :
"George, I must confess that I and my family worked very hard to
re-defeat you..." (clever Cindy, you fucking left-wing muppet)
"...lying bastard..."
"...that maniac..."
"...bunch of fucking hypocrites..."
Plenty more to go through. This woman has, in record time, gone from pitiable to disgraceful to lunatic to absolute fucking left-wing moonbat terrorist loving monster. May she burn in hell.
link via Protein WisdomNemesis
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It would seem as if a former Power Ranger and his wife have been charged with the disappearance and murder of a wealthy, yacht-owning couple. Skyler Daleon, 26, and his wife were to stand trial on 16 August. Allegedly, the couple enlisted the help of a 40-year old gang member (John Fitzgerald Kennedy; no relation) and a former prison guard to carry out the plot.
The Power Ranger and his wife posed as interested buyers after spotting the yacht for sale in a magazine. Once aboard, the couple was convinced that the Power Ranger and his wife were legitimate buyers, and took them for a test ride. Once off shore a bit, the yacht owner and his wife were attacked with a stun gun, bound with duct tape and handcuffs and were made to sign a power of attorney giving the Power Ranger rights to the vessel. Once that was done, the Power Ranger tied the couple to the vessel's 66 pound anchor and heaved them into Davy Jones's locker; never to be seen again.
You have got to be kidding me. How low can you go? Perhaps if the Power Paycheck wasn't spent on crank, the perps wouldn't have turned to piracy? Who knows.
Go, go Power Dummy!
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Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Our friend and fellow ultra-cool web ring member Zinga has
some more on Sheehan. And he even manages to tie in another beloved lefty moonbat-- Michael Moore.
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Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Lost in Space.
Cindy Sheehan has written, what I am guessing, is a journal, or blog entry of sorts of her activities at "Camp Casey". If you choose to not read the article pointed to by the link, allow me to give a brief synopsis of the more salient comments:
Cindy Sheehan quotes George Bush as saying that he has to get on with his life, when questioned by Sheehan, as to why if he had the time for a two-hour bike ride, why couldn't he have met with her?
Well, I would think that may lend you some clues Cindy: get on with your life! Riding a bike
is more important that speaking to you; especially now that your antics are covered by the mainstream media.
"Who does he think he is? I wish I could EVER be able to get on with my life. Getting on with my life means a life without my dear, sweet boy. Getting on with my life means learning to live with a pain that is so intense that sometimes I feel like throwing up, or screaming until I pass out from sorrow. I wish a little bike ride could help me get on with my life."
Actually, he is the President of the United States of America, not some guy who killed your son in Iraq...that was some Islamofascist in Iraq. Cindy! Guess what?! There are numerous people who also wish you could get on with your life! Especially those in and around Crawford, Texas. Now you have to continue your life without a son and without a
husband. Perhaps you should get out of your ditch and saddle up the old Schwinn and give it a whirl? You may be surprised by the outcome.
"I just wish George had as much courage in his entire body as Casey had in his little pinky, then he would meet with me. Crawford, Tx. is beautiful prairie land, but I could think of dozens of other places I would rather be right now. However, if George or anybody else thinks I am leaving before my mission is "accomplished" they have another think coming. I will stay the course. I will finish the mission. I will take no prisoners."
Running the world and having to put up with your antics doesn't take courage then? Get real. I, along with numerous others I am sure, can also think of dozens of other places we would rather you be also. Try supporting your ailing family you ditched (no pun intended) back home, for example. Now that you mention it, with asinine statements like "I am not going to pay taxes for 2004", and not leaving until your "mission" is accomplished, it's no wonder you get your picture taken at the Crawford Peace House and everywhere else you have no doubt peaked the interest of the FBI, IRS and Secret Service thus far. I am sure your family are proud of, really.
"By the way, we had about 7 counter protesters today and hundreds at Camp Casey...don't let the mainstream media say differently.
By the way, Camp Casey is not in Crawford, Texas it is in Tongduchon, Korea 11 miles south of the DMZ. Those vets know the meaning of sacrifice. Don't let anyone say differently. My guess as to the reason that you "only" had 7 counter-protestors today is that those "counter-protestors" are also sometimes referred to as "the working man". Someone had to dig that ditch you live in.
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Is Cindy Sheehan just like Rosa Parks? Cenk Uygur wrote an impressive piece, managing to kill two birds with one stone. First, he reminded everybody just how ugly and racist those nasty Rethuglicans are. Second, he made the logical connection that disagreeing with Cindy Fucking Sheehan is akin to hating black people.
Hmm...Rosa Parks saw the evil in Jim Crowe laws and acted, in the face of very real danger, to end them.
Cindy Sheehan pitched a tent in a ditch, basked in leftist celebrity glory, and made moonbat demands.
Rosa Parks, with dignity and purpose, used one small act of civil disobedience to shame an entire culture.
Cindy Sheehan is dishonorably using her son's sacrfice to further her own cause.
Compulsory racial segragation was immoral, unjust, legislation that will forever be a blemish on our Country's history. Parks' selfless work helped shorten its lifespan.
The War in Iraq brought freedom to millions of people and will-- in time-- bring freedom to millions more. Sheehan is selfishly advocating its end.
Parks was a hero. Sheehan is disgusting.
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Sunday, August 14, 2005
Reader's, if you get a chance, our very own commenting monkey b.ryan has started his own
Stop by and check it out, it looks to be promising, as he says the inspiration for his blog came from this very site! Only kidding du alter Schwuler, it looks to be a great blog from someone who has had some shared experiences with Nemesis and myself.
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...and Cindy Sheehan
just crossed it with flair.
Unmentioned is Cindy Sheehan's demand for free, federally provided flapjacks, a space rocket, and to be anointed Queen Ambassador to Zamboola Province. Because her son died, you see.
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Saturday, August 13, 2005
Over at
Cafe Hayek very well read Don Boudreaux produces
a list of the 10 books he should have read but never did. They are:
10. Erasmus's In Praise of Folly 9. Boswell's Life of Johnson
8. Alfred Marshall's Principles of Economics
7. Cervantes's Don Quixote
6. Eli Heckscher's Mercantilism
5. Aristotle's The Nicomachean Ethics
4. The Odyssey
3. The Iliad
2. The King James version of The Bible (cover to cover; I've read large chunks of it)
1. Gibbon's The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
I would now like to present the top 10 books that 97.84% of humanity* should have read but never did. They are:
10. Erasmus's In Praise of Folly 9. Boswell's Life of Johnson
8. Alfred Marshall's Principles of Economics
7. Cervantes's Don Quixote
6. Eli Heckscher's Mercantilism
5. Aristotle's The Nicomachean Ethics
4. The Odyssey
3. The Iliad
2. The King James version of The Bible (cover to cover; I've read large chunks of it)
1. Gibbon's The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Wow Boudreaux, how far behind the power curve are
*by humanity I mean non-comparitive lit. majors. Those dudes are assholes.
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And he
returns. As crappy as ever.
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Harry Hutton, an English ex-pat teaching in Latin America, gets caught up in the recent communist festival
down there.
Earlier in the week, he
wrote a truly English obituary for Scottish politician, Sir Robin Cook.
Site is definetly worth a look.
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Friday, August 12, 2005
I've heard about the famous debates between Buckley and Gore Vidal before, but just recently found
this site that contains audio clips and a full account of the event. For those unfamiliar with the exchange, let me provide a snippet:
Vidal: pro-crypto Nazi.
Buckley: Now listen, you queer, stop calling me a crypto-Nazi or I'll sock you in your goddamn face and you'll stay plastered.
Did I mention this was on live tv in 1968?
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Thursday, August 11, 2005
Uh, yeah. You think that number might have been a little off? You degenerate fucking idiot.
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For the record, I concede that there is an ugly side to
drug use.
The guy looks like he just finished giving a rim job to a unicorn.
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Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Narcotics police are an enormous, corrupt international bureaucracy ... and now fund a coterie of researchers who provide them with 'scientific support' ... fanatics who distort the legitimate research of others. ... The anti-marijuana campaign is a cancerous tissue of lies, undermining law enforcement, aggravating the drug problem, depriving the sick of needed help, and suckering well-intentioned conservatives and countless frightened parents. -- William F. Buckley
How does one respond to a
screed like this? Mr. Harrell has obviously had some tragedies in his and his friends' lives that he attributes to drugs, so it is difficult to argue the legalization issue without getting personal. I'm only presenting a (unsolicited) response to his post because I have a number of friends who make arguments very similar to his.
First, let me say that I couldn't disagree more with Harrell. I think all drugs should be legal and available for the 18 and up crowd to consume. I hold this position for a number of reasons, but the foremost is that there isn't a good reason why they should be
Now Harrell has multiple anecdotal pieces of evidence that speak to the contrary. He knows a number of people, some, presumably, good friends who have used drugs and whose lives have been destroyed. He attributes the destruction of their lives to drugs. If that is the case, if drugs, doubtfully, lead to the downfall of what would have been otherwise successful lives I say-- sorry, but big deal. Why should his friend's failure to responsibly use drugs result in a country wide prohibition?
Illicit drugs aren't magical chemicals that leave their users without control. Most drug use is successful, controlled, and non-debilitating. It certainly doesn't doom the user to a failed life. It is the responsibility of the user to know his limits, and use the drugs accordingly. With every drug, be it caffeine or crack, moderation is possible.
Of course, this isn't the perception most people have of drugs. Take heroin once and you're hooked, right? Well there is an obvious reason for this misperception. As drugs are illegal, most of the population only sees drug users when they come to the attention of society-- which is never a good thing. The silent majority of responsible drug users are invisible because of the illegal nature of their habit. To grasp this, important, point think of alcohol. When we see a drunkard on the street, or hear of an alcoholic who has lost everything, we know that this is the exception, not the rule. We know this because for every abuser of alcohol, we also know a host of friends and family who use that particular drug responsibly. We aren't afraid of alcohol because we are familiar with it. Whereas for most people, information on the effects of, say, Special K, comes from government propaganda and violent rants like Harrell's.
Further, most reasonable people know from first hand experience that drugs can be safely used. Harrell introduces this point. Morphine is a commonly used pain-killer. Medically, the drug is taken in consistent doses over an extended period of time. Yet people who receive this drug for medical care seldom become addicted. However, the common assumption is the same drug, when used illegally, automatically turns the user into a chemically addicted slave. When one thinks clearly about the absurdity of this position, the true nature of drugs begins to come to light.
Returning to Harrell's friends, in all likelihood drugs were not the cause for their respective downfalls. It is easy for someone, upon seeing the failure of a promising life, to point towards an easy cause. Drugs fit that bill. This normally leads to false causality. "Robert was successful, then he failed. And he used drugs. Well-- drugs must of caused everything." Granted Robert in Taos, New Mexico is homeless. Granted he used drugs. Why is the automatic assumption that one caused the other? Robert was willing to use illegal drugs-- indicating selfishness, disregard for authority/laws/rules-- and use them to excess-- indicating lack of control/discipline/personal responsibility. With these personal traits, Robert probably wasn't destined for success anyway. Drugs didn't cause his downfall, they only aided it. They were the tool he used to bring about his own destruction. Blaming the drugs for Robert's station is akin to blaming the rope after somebody hangs himself.
Do we want to live in a society where every possibly harmful item is prohibited from us? Or do we want to live in a society where we are free to make our own decisions-- and be responsible for our own failures?
Harrell mentions two other friends, Lesley and Dave. Lesley has "...burned out her brain on pot and turned into a single-mom college drop-out." Of course pot, a drug that most people are familiar with and know it doesn't short-circuit your wiring, was responsible for Lesley's failures. There couldn't possibly be another explanation. Dave has been " junk for sixteen years and still craves it every day of his life." Does Harrell mean to imply that he is chemically addicted to a substance 16 years since its last introduction to his body? You don't need to be a chemist to be very skeptical of this claim. Of course, Harrell could mean that Dave has a "mental" addiction to the drug. This is more difficult to refute, because it isn't a disproval position. In any event, he doesn't take the drug anymore, hasn't for 16 years...why should anybody be concerned about his "cravings?" And surely Dave only yearns for the enjoyable aspects of his drug, attesting to its recreational benefits. Outlawing something because it is so much fun you'll want to do it again seems a bit draconian.
In addition to all of this, if drugs were legal they would be cheaper, safer, cleaner, in consistent doses, and less-stigmatizing. In effect, legalization of drugs would greatly reduce the risk currently posed by usage. To quote Milton Friedman "Whatever happens to the number of addicts (if drugs were legalized), the individual addict would clearly be far better off if drugs were legal. Addicts are driven to associate with criminals to get the drugs, become criminals themselves to finance the habit, and risk constant danger of death and disease."
Lastly, I never discussed the financial and security threats caused by our ill-advised drug war. The crime it causes, the drain on resources, the national-security threats involved, the ignorance of proper use contributing to irresponsible use...all caused by an irrational fear of certain chemicals. As the original post largely concerned itself with drugs' effects on users, I will save that discussion for another day.
Harrell has seen what nobody wants to see-- friends fail. As tragic as that is, it is not grounds for justifying the continued suppression of everyone else's freedom.
Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves.-- Ronald Reagan
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Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Speaking of August 9
th; Happy Birthday Nemesis. I hope that the chicken tenders and can of Wintergreen Skoal will last for days to come, and remind you of our friendship. Dummy.
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Man In The Arena,
According to your
bio, you are a member of the US Air Force. You also put up this
post promising future blog entries by 7 August. It is now 9 August, and no blog post in sight (site?). I don't know what kind of joe shit the rag bag outfit they run in the US Air Force, but I know in the Army when we say 7 August, by God we mean 7 August-- and not one goddamn minute later.
What is it they call people who promise to do things and then don't come through? Dredge on society?, thats not quite it. Unfit for human contact?...well, applicable, but not exactly it. Hmm...I can't quite recall, but I'm sure it'll come to me.
Fondest Regards,
Your eternal enemy
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Yet again, Protein Wisdom hits the nail right on the
goddamn head. The mother of a deceased soldier is, if it can be called it, protesting President Bush. While Goldstein does a terrific job of describing the arrogance of her position, I think he is a bit lacking in emphasizing the selfishness of this woman.
Her son died in Iraq. He volunteered as a soldier, served honorably, and was killed while performing a duty he gallantly chose to do. Instead of appreciating her son's decision, and the sacrifice he made in the performance of it, she sullies it by politicizing his death. Does anyone believe that this is how her son would choose to be remembered? As a propaganda tool used to attack the cause which he served?
There was a writer, whom I don't remember, who once said that someday all of the liberal defenders of communism will bolt upright in their chairs and ask themselves "my God, what did I do?" As sorry as I am for her loss, it is that fate that I wish for Cindy Sheehan.
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Monday, August 08, 2005
Over at Hit and Run, Nick Gillespie points to an interesting development out in the Aloha state. Seems an exclusive private school there, that until now admitted only native Hawaiians (of the Samoan variety), is being forced to admit students regardless of race.
What makes this case interesting is that the school receives no federal funding-- it is an entirely private organization. Yet the federal government sees fit to mandate who the school can and can't let in.
Gillespie, correctly, ties this back to the Civil Rights Act which, in order to have any meaningful effect, defined a number of private institutions (restaurants, business, etc.) "public" areas. Upside is with one swift blow from the federal hammer, decades of racial oppression was ended. Downside was it significantly eroded our rights as private citizens. A number of principled (and some not so principled) arguments were made against the Civil Rights Act by some very famous thinkers-- some of which have later recanted their opposition. One stalwart who remained opposed was one of this blogs hero's: Barry Goldwater. Gillespie provides a quote from Goldwater that neatly sums up his oposition to the Civil Rights Act. Namely that it...
...reintroduces through the back door the very principle of allocation by race that makes compulsory segregation morally wrong and offensive to freedom...Our aim, as I understand it, is neither to establish a segregated society nor to establish an integrated society...It is to preserve a free society.
Could the private/state sector have corrected the injustices of segregation? Or did it require the federal government to end it? In any event, Goldwater was at least partially right, as highlighted in another quote:
Remember that a government big enough to give you everything you want is also big enough to take away everything you have
The proprietors of the Kamehameha Schools are witnessing just how prescient Goldwater really was.
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I've argued for awhile that the left is so devoid of serious thought, that any real debate on any given issue consists between factions of the right. The principled argument against the war in Iraq didn't come from Democrats, but from the likes of Pat Buchanan and Reason magazine. Same goes for drug control policy, immigration, the death penalty, and even abortion.
Here is another example.
Jacob Sullum and Bob Barr face off about recent federal measures to prohibit lawsuits from being filed against gun manufacturers. Its a tough call, I'm still not entirely sure where I come down on the issue. But one thing is for certain, the debate that will produce any usable ideas is coming from libertarians and conservatives, traditional members of the right, while the left remains completely unhinged.
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Sunday, August 07, 2005
...he's always prefered eating and murdering secretaries. But, take a look at Kennedy on abortion in 1971:
While the deep concern of a woman bearing an unwanted child merits consideration and sympathy, it is my personal feeling that the legalization of abortion on demand is not in accordance with the value which our civilization places on human life. Wanted or unwanted, I believe that human life, even at its earliest stages, has certain rights which must be recognized...
Strange from the same Ted Kennedy who champions the right of a doctor to jam a scissor into the skull of an infant who is 80-percent born
Classy Ted, real classy.
Whole article
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Saturday, August 06, 2005
This news has been out for some time now, but I am just now getting around to making the appropriate entry. With the advent of the failed, but attempted London tube bombings, four Americans were injured in the attacks. All survived and are doing well as I am reading about them. The two that caught my eye more than the others were the Benton sisters; Emily and Katie.
Both attend the Fellowship Evangelical Free Church, of Knoxville Tennessee. On average, this group hosts around 800 people per service. The vision of this church is to move people beyond religion and into relationship, as well as encourage "disciple making". Overall, the church does not seem to be extremely strange; like that of a similarly named church in Texas. The minister at this church hosted 20,000 people per service. Talk about being disconnected from those you are trying to help.
What struck a chord with me, however, was the announcement by Katie Benton that she would write a book on how God used them to turn a bad situation into a positive one. The positive is that neither of them died, but they weren't dead before the train ride either, so are we going to be getting a book about the lives of the Benton sisters? I will pass. Furthermore, the sisters claim that they are not mad at the failed bombers and continue to pray for them.
Nice work ladies; you are praying for the people that just tried to end your life. Seems to me that they are just as confused as the terrorists are. What do they teach at that church of theirs anyway? I realize that there may be a sense of forgiveness involved (it's especially easy since they survived), but a continued prayer? For what?! If they were praying that they rot in Hell, then I could sympathize, but for some reason, I am inclined to think that they are praying because the terrorists are misguided and such. Quit wasting your time on the lost souls that are terrorists.
Why is Katie even going to write a book? I would understand a book if say, you both got off one or two stops before the bombs went off but not in this instance. You were in the wrong place at the wrong time! If anything, I would think that a blog entry or pamphlet would suffice; maybe just a diary entry. Honestly, how much control do they think they had over that event?
I further realize that faith is a powerful thing. While not crucial of their faith, I am crucial of the motives for a book. Seems a bit out of place to me. Perhaps that is what is suggested at that church? Who knows. For example, it is very easy for someone to get ordained. Hell, Minus The Nemesis just did it:
The intent being, at what point is spreading the reaches of your church more important than that of making sure your parishioners understand, and
listen to the word of God? Just because someone is ordained does not mean that they have all of the answers; obviously. Hey, if the lady wants to write a book, so be it, but I don't see the situation as warranting a book. I could be a parishioner at the same church and be just as faithful without reading it thank you very much.
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Friday, August 05, 2005
Muhammad Derka Jihad Cheeseburger.
A select few capitalist Muslims in France are feeling the need for a fast food restaurant. The answer? One "Beurger King Muslim". This is a play on the words "Beur" meaning a second-generation North African living in France, and the obvious Burger King reference. At any rate, with the success Mecca Cola, this is destined to be a hit. People are already driving over 55 miles just to come to this new Muslim-tailored dive.
The burger shack has regular items on the menu that you would expect to find in any other greasy spoon. The main difference being that the meat here is halal. The waitresses along with many of the patrons wear Muslim nugget wraps in a traditional fashion. To be more aligned with the Muslim image some patrons said that the TV was alright, but the music had to go.
One of the owners has pretty high hopes for the dive:
"Maybe this kind of place will help to correct the bad image of Muslims and tell the world to stop talking nonsense about us."
The only problem that I may have with that statement is that 'this kind of place' will not correct any negative image of Muslims, but make people wonder why a generally western-hating religion can open this type of place to begin with (which is modeled after Burger King of course). The world isn't going to stop talking nonsense any time soon is my guess, but maybe Chirac can watch the Olympics from the Beurger King TV.
Burger King, which has no restaurants in France, put forth this comment:
"We are aware of the situation and are looking into it."
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Scientists have independently proven, using science mind you, that Bill O'Reilly is a bloviating idiot. Proof
here. And
here. And
here, and
here, and
here, get the idea.
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Warren Zevon's song: "Werewolves of London" is one of the best ever. Listen to it immediately; that is especially pertinent if you missed 1978.
In 2000, a fight broke out while Zevon was performing this at the Bowery Ballroom in New York. Zevon stopped, waited for the fight to end, said "I bet this never happens at Sting concerts," and continued the song. Classic.
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Pack your shit,
we're moving to Italy. Minus, don't forget the mirror and razor blade, I'll go ahead and roll a 100 dollar bill into a straw.
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A quick update on Minus' favorite homemaker Martha Stewart. Seems the home diva is going to get 3 more weeks of house arrest to ponder her awful crime of, um, having the justice department hate her.
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This is only a recommendation should you read this blog on a regular basis. I have recently come across a program called
Feedreader (v2.90) and it will read several blogs/news sites that you have subscribed to and let you know when they have been updated. I have also been having some problems with the e-mail subscription portion of the blog, as subscribers are getting messages that "this is not a valid RSS feed". Which I know is not the case, so I am going to be shutting down the e-mail portion before too long. Feedreader will allow you to actually get updated and not have to bother with Bloglet.
At any rate, go to the site, download Feedreader and set us up using the feed indicated here:, this way you will be notified as soon as we throw up another post.
On an interesting side note, I have received an email from Bloglet letting me know of updated posts for this blog. Readers, if you don't mind, subscribe to the blog and let me know if you receive similar emails. You should get a text version of the new post. Post in the comments section as to whether or not you like the format (i.e. Feedreader vs. Bloglet) and let us know!
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Thursday, August 04, 2005

Judge Rose Guerra Reyna of the 206th District Court in Hidalgo County, Texas. She is a prime example of why there are still sexual predators loose on the streets. My guess is that when she is up for reelection next year, she will be sitting the bench, just not in the 206th District Court, or a courtroom at all for that matter.
Robert Wayne Thompson entered her courtroom and pleaded nolo contendere to aggravated sexual assault of a child. He also has a felony child molestation record. Keep in mind that to plead nolo, you must have the court's consent. Basically, this means that you are not contesting the charges set forth upon you; it has the same legal precedence as a confession of guilt, although you are not admitting guilt.
What stuns me the most I think, is the sentence handed out to this dirtbag by the dummy behind the bench: 320 hours of knitting. That's right, knitting. As the case stands, the dirtbag has a heart condition and cannot perform the "usual" community service. Think about what is being done here! This alleged dispenser of justice just "sentenced" this man to knit for 320 hours! Meanwhile, the dirtbag's victims are ruined for life. What was the judge thinking?
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I was going to post something about the disgraceful behavior of the NY Times concerning Judge Roberts' children, but couldn't find an even vaguely interesting way to do it. Thankfully,
Goldstein managed to-- definetly worth reading.
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Monday, August 01, 2005
Way to send out a message to your youthful fans.
Rafael Palmeiro of the Baltimore Orioles stated emphatically back in March, before a Congressional panel, that he did not use steroids. Now, he has added a caveat: "Today I am telling the truth again that I did not do this intentionally or knowingly." Well, what a shame that someone kids might lookup to as a great athlete lies about drug use. What's worse is that the athlete felt that he needed to use dope to enhance his already present skills. Because of the caveat one might believe that someone snuck a hypodermic needle into Raffy's skin, or maybe a pill into his filet mignon? I doubt it.
Perhaps at one time, this guy was on his way to the Hall of Fame. Now, not so much. Way to go Birds, way to go.
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Indian authorities have busted some pirates who saw fit to illegally copy the latest Harry Potter book. In the amount of some 8,000 copies of the book is it a coincidence that same amount is the number of Michael Jackson's latest album sales? I think not, as they were both involved in legal proceedings as of late. How there is any correlation whatsoever, I don't know...but it is an interesting tale.
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